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Until the day when small brilliant ideas become global contents

  • The discovery of start-ups (Creative team)


  • Total sales

    31billion won

  • Attraction of investment

    512billion won

  • Job creation


  • Total visitors




Content Korea Lab Business Center

As an incubator for Korean content start-ups led by Korea Creative Content Agency, it is a one-stop servicefor content companies that supports cooperation between start-ups and venture enterprises in the field of content, move-in and production facilities, investment, distribution, networking, content planning, commercialization, and so on.

One-Stop Service

  • Supports commercialization of creative ideas

    Establish a creative ecosystem to help develop creative ideas to early stagestart-ups

  • Customized support and promotion for each stage of corporate growth

    Customized support for each stage of corporate growth such as preparation stage, early stage, growth stage, take-off stage, and so on.

  • Customized support and promotion for overseas expansion of content startups

    Customized support for each company considering the need of company and regional characteristics

  • Move-in and promotion support for content companies

    Promoted a total of 127 companies from 2016 to 2021

Until the day when small brilliant ideas become global contents

We support the future of Koreancontent startups